Submit a request

Please enter the username you used to create your Yubo account

Please provide the reference number shared with you by our safety team via direct message

Please provide the GPA number you'll find in the invoice sent via email to your Google account

Our guidelines include: - username contains personal information such as name, address, etc; - username is the same as the one used by you in other social media channels and you want to avoid stalking; - username is inappropriate - contains profanity in English or any other language, sexual or violent connotations, etc.

Please select your operating system (iOS or Android)

Please enter the details of your request and a member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

By clicking on "Submit", you agree to the use of the personal data you have provided in this contact form so that we can process and respond to your request, in accordance with our Privacy Policy (

Please provide the report ID shared with you by our safety team via direct message

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