What are the dangers of using the Yubo app?

Just like in real life, there are some dangers in the digital world. These include:

  • Bullying
  • Hate speech
  • Inappropriate content
  • Scams
  • Sexual exploitation

It’s important that you and your kids are aware of these risks and that you understand how to deal with them on websites and apps like Yubo, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat among many others. 


Here at Yubo, we’re committed to protecting, supporting and educating our users by providing innovative technical tools (e.g. Muted Words and Real time alerts) and 24/7 human moderators. We also work with organisations that focus on bullying, LGBTQI+ issues, mental health and sexual exploitation to run in-app awareness campaigns.

Visit our Safety Hub for more information – you’ll find advice on specific issues and ‘Staying Safe on Yubo’ guides for young people and for adults (parents, carers and educators) useful. You might also like to read our blog for Safer Internet Day 2022

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