What are Spotlights?

Spotlights are one of the purchasable power-ups. Spotlights will feature your profile at the top of the online section. This will allow you to receive tons of messages from other users, and then you can decide who to friend.

To start a Spotlight follow these steps:

1. Go to the Live or Chat screen.

2. In the upper left-hand corner of the screen tap the Spotlight icon 

3. Then tap start_spotlight_button.png


They can be purchased as part of a Power Pack subscription or with the use of YuBucks.

:moneybag: 1 Spotlight - 170 YuBucks - :timer: 3 minutes

:moneybag: 5 Spotlight - 590 YuBucks - :timer: 15 minutes

:moneybag: 10 Spotlight - 790 YuBucks - :timer: 30 minutes

:moneybag: 30 Spotlight - 1690 YuBucks - :timer: 90 minutes

Spotlight time adds up - if you use 1 Spotlight of 3 minutes and add time for 1 more Spotlight, 3 more minutes will be added!

That's it!

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